Today was a bloody day on Wall Street, and the articles have started pouring in, admittedly it’s been a bloody month, quarter, and year, but finally the media is ready to start realizing there is that there is too much debt , not enough wages , no real profits , a new oil standard , overpriced assets , and too much inequality.

That’s a bit too much to take a for country that isn’t a democracy, is ignoring climate change, starting trade wars, and being run by sociopath.

I guess it’s time to start another war.

I hope you don’t have debt, I hope you’ve got assets in other countries, I hope you’re a citizen of other countries, I hope you have employment in other countries.

That doesn’t mean other countries are immune to the financial crisis that we’re all about to experience, just that there are more stable places in the world to be than America when people start realizing, money is just a construct.

I wasn’t sure whether to publish this, thanks for the encouragement Wolff.